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szsyby 初中毕业技校 2023-06-30 01:57:11 99 0 fromtimetotime

from time to time 意思是“时不时得”不时,偶尔,间或 时而 1 From time to time he fired questions at mefromtimetotime他不时向我提出许多问题来自简明英汉词典2 Ships are laid up, from time to time, forfromtimetotime;from time to time不时,偶尔 一般用作一般现在时但是,有时也会用作一般过去时,一般将来时;all the time 一直始终 at times 有时,不时 from time to time 有时,偶尔 at times更多是描述人或者情况,有的时候会有稍微负面的语气并不是总是from time to time就完全是“有时”的意思;from time to time 是作状语的介词短语 一般应放在动词后面 可以修饰谓语动词 也可以修饰非谓语动词如 he plays from time to time he from time to time plays from time to time playing ,he sti;from time to time是 time 的常见短语,是一个表示频度的介词短语,其频度和 at times, sometimes ,now and then是同意表达,都表示“有时”的意思from time to time=sometimes=at times=now and then 频度比较 alw。

from time to time 英fr#596m taim tu taim美fr#652m ta#618m tu ta#618m不时,偶尔,间或 时而例句1Even the most selfconfident among us will experience doubt from time to;from time to time 英fr#596m taim tu taim美fr#652m ta#618m tu ta#618m不时,偶尔,间或 时而相关单词From Time To Time 使用例句1And I#39ll need some help from time to;8to bide one’s time 等待 I’m biding my time until he arrives我一直等到他来9from time to time 偶尔 I like playing golf from time to time我偶尔会打打高尔夫10have the time of one’s。


在合同条款中,from time to time一般的翻译成“不时”,比如“as currently in force and as amended from time to time”,可以翻译成“按照现行及不时修订的相关有效之规例法律条例quot再如香港宽频网络;词典结果from time to time英fr#596m taim tu taim美fr#652m ta#618m tu ta#618m不时,偶尔,间或 时而以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1The knocks that from time to time pushed the;fromtimetotime的意思是不时,有时fromtimetotime的意思是不时,有时fromtimetotime近义词occasionally偶尔地fromtimetotime的读音是英fr_mta_mt_ta_m美fr_mta_mt_ta_m一参考翻译点此查看from。


指的是频率大,时常 ,不断地例句 译文中的翻译 #39#39偶尔#39#39,也不能算错 ,可能是根据语境的理解因为 对频率的理解是相对而言例如 fromtimetotime你每年去美国一次,可以理解成你经常去美国,也可以 理解成你偶尔去美国因为没;第一个单词你可能拼错了,应该是from time to time意思是时而,不时地,是个副词,表示频率,相当于sometimes;from time to time比sometimes的频度要高相似短语time at timesevery now and then 有时,时而,不时 间或 occasionally偶尔 偶然 有时候 once曾经 in a while有时时时间或 例句I see him。

from time to time意思是不时,偶尔,间或时而 英 fr#596m taim tu taim 美 fr#652m ta#618m tu ta#618mFrom time to time we all get a hankering for something a little different;1From time to time he fired questions at me他不时向我提出许多问题2Ships are laid up,from time to time,for repairs船只常常因不能使用而需要修理3I can see Hieks at the library from time to;不时, 偶尔, 间或,有时 1 From time to time he fired questions at me他不时向我提出许多问题2 Ships are laid up, from time to time, for repairs船只常常因不能使用而需要修理3 I can see Hieks;from time to time的意思是不时,有时偶尔,间或时而 time 读法 英 ta#618m 美 ta#618m1作名词的意思是时间时代次数节拍倍数 2作及物动词的意思是计时测定的时间安排的。





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